I've been tagged. I generally hate these things, but I feel the pull to be a part of the cool kids club, thanks to
Randi AND
Adora, so here, read about me.
The Rules:
1-Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4- Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog
About me:
1. After posting how great I did with my eating this weekend, I went to Shopko and bought butter toffee peanuts just cause I wanted them. Why do I self sabotage?
2. I secretly have a desperate desire to be liked, even by people I hate. I appear strong and in control, but it really hurts my feelings when people don't like me.
3. I'm a horribly guilty person. I feel guilty if I don't make my husband dinner every night, I feel guilty if I buy something more than 5 bucks for myself, I feel guilty about a lot of stupid stuff.
4. I want Brittney Spear's new cd, and I HATE her.
5. I have a Myspace page, I'm almost 28, I shouldn't have a Myspace page. I only got it to keep track of my nieces and nephews, it's terribly embarrassing.
6. Like Randi, I'm quite educated and smart, but I speak like a valley girl sometimes and hide behind a stupid blond act.
7. I just threw away the peanuts.
OK, since the people's blogs that I regularly comment on have all been tagged, I'm only going to tag one person, and I know she probably won't do it, cause I wouldn't do it for her, but oh well.
MeganThat's all. I'm so interesting, huh?