Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nothin' Better!

I've been a little under the weather lately with a weird stomach ache, so I haven't been super great with the eating (mostly saltine crackers and soup) and I wasn't able to go to the gym on Monday because of it. Well I still wasn't feeling great last night, but knew I had to go.

Side Note: Does anyone else realize how quickly they can convince themselves that they don't have to go to the gym and how one day can easily turn into an entire week, even if you've been going everyday for the past 3 weeks?!

Anyways, I managed to drag myself to the gym and I had an amazing workout! While I was in the midst of this amazing workout, I saw an old friend from college that I haven't seen in about a year. Well, guess what the first thing he said was... "You look awesome!!" HA! I do!!! I've lost 35 or something pounds since I last saw him and it was so cool to have him rave about how I look!! If I was lacking on the motivation, that just filled my tank! I tell ya, there's nothing better.

1 comment:

Randi said...

dude that is sweet. I always have mixed feelings about compliments. Like yay I look good, but boo how bad did I look before? But I'm glad that you're using it to pump up your motivation!