Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas Challenge: Week 7 Weigh In

So last week SUCKED! I had major drama at work, so what did I do, turned to food. I know it's bad, I know better, but I did it. And to top it all off, I only worked out 3 times last week, as opposed to the 5 times I normally do. So crap. I GAINED 1.4 pounds. UGH! It's ok, I'm not too worried about it. I'll get it off this week and hopefully a little bit more.

I just keep hoping that at some point this whole thing will click in my head and I won't have the strong desire to run to food for comfort. I hope that at some point my first instinct will not be to eat when things are bad. I think with time it will get easier, but who freaking knows!


Cory said...

I certainly hope it gets easier! (Although I will admit that I already do it less than when I started.)
Good attitiude about your weigh in this week. That in itself is something to be proud of!

Adora said...

Why can't it be carrots we turn to when we want food comfort? It's just SO not fair!!

You'll get that loss this week - I know you can do it!