Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Challenge: Week 9 Weigh In

Nope, I'm not gonna do it. I was out of town on Friday, so I couldn't weigh, and I just know that I gained last week, so I'm not going to weigh today either! I can't do it! Although, I do have to go to the doctor this afternoon, so I will HAVE to be weighed there, although it won't really count cause I'll have all my clothes on!

So I'm back on track this week, kinda. Yesterday was my birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! So my husband and I went to the Cheesecake Factory. So not only was Thursday a bad eating day, but Friday was bad, Saturday was not as bad, but not good and Sunday was bad too! Ah crap! And they are bringing in a pie for my birthday today at work, so today won't be as stellar, but it will be better than the last few days.

I have tons of pics to post of my weekend, but I forgot the cord for my camera, so I can't download them today. I'll try and get that tomorrow.

1 comment:

P.O.M. said...

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy bday to you!!! Mine is next week.